Did You Know That Guys Fake Orgasms Too?

The Daily Mail reports that a recent study conducted by Time Out has found that about 30% of the men they polled admitted to faking orgasms. This finding corroborates many other independent studies done across American universities. 
If you’re wondering how it’s possible for a man to fake an orgasm, don’t be. There are many ways which include:
•    Using a condom
•    Using a lot of lube – a teaspoon of semen (or more importantly the lack of same) can easily be hidden 
•    Faking ejaculation outside of the body 
•    Other reasons such as prostatectomy which often results in loss of seminal fluid so ejaculation doesn’t happen

The question you should be asking is actually “why” men do this? Well, for the same reasons as women, apparently. 
•    Men feel under pressure to perform and this is a way out when they don’t really feel like sex 
•    As a kindness to their partners – they know a climax won’t happen but don’t want to hurt their partner’s feelings 

While protecting your loved one’s feelings is a noble endeavour, regular faking can be devastating to a healthy sexual relationship. Think of it this way - by providing your partner with disinformation, you deny them the chance to make the sex more fulfilling, since they won’t know what you actually require to orgasm. 

Most relationship counsellors and sexologists also advocate honesty when it comes to sex in order to build intimacy and trust. So while the odd faked orgasm is not the end of the world – especially if it’s done for the right reasons, making a habit of it can be disastrous. 

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