Seven Household Items That Prove You Are An Adult Now

Growing up isn't all that great once you've done it. It seems like a really good idea when you're a kid. 

It looks so much more fun than having long school holidays and not having to pay for things, right? Because then you'll get to do whatever you want, right?


But being an adult isn't all bad. One of the cooler parts of growing up is moving out and getting your own stuff. 

Starting your own life. 

And, chances are, even though you'll probably be using old milk crates as chairs for a while, and your washing line will be in the middle of your living room, it's all part of the journey, right?

So what really makes you an adult once you no longer have to struggle to buy the no name brand toilet paper?

We've come up with a list:

You’ve bought art
Or at least a nice copy of an artwork. Oh and it’s not attached to the wall with sticky tape.

You own a bottle opener
Long gone are the days you could open that beer with your teeth, or that cheap bottle of wine with the heel of your shoe. You’re a big boy or girl now.

You eat with proper cutlery
AND it’s clean. No more using the cheap plastic utensils you got with that last takeaway order.

You eat food that can’t be made in less than 2 minutes
It’s okay when you’re broke or a bit lazy, but you’re too grown up to be eating food that looks like Justin Timberlake’s hair from the '90s every single night.

Pots with actual living plants in the reside in your house
Congratulations! You’ve managed not to murder your green friends. The gold fish on the other hand…

There’s a “nicer” crockery set in your kitchen
The one that you pull out for special occasions, which may or may not have been a gift from your Mother in Law.

There’s a distinction between ‘every day’ towels and ‘guest’ towels
And not just that the guest towels are actually clean.

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