How To Get Your Groove Back

We let ourselves go a little-or a lot. Life becomes so stressful and going to the gym, waking up early to make up our faces and do our hair before work, and finding a great outfit to wear is just too much effort. 

Unfortunately in turn, this results in us losing our mojo and losing a lot of self esteem. 

The answer? You need to choose between taking some extra time and putting in a little effort versus getting a little more sleep, a little more time playing Candy Crush or watching your favourite show on telly. 

As much as those little pleasures comfort you, the bigger picture is that you are impacting on your self esteem and if you have a partner, will become TOO comfortable. 

I’m not saying you always need to have a perfectly made up face, live in heels, and wear a different hairstyle every day, but try out these little things to make you feel sexy again.

•    Exercise. Whether it be a 20 minute walk, a jog around the block, or some light yoga or pilates, you don’t even have to go to a gym to do these things. You will, however, feel more confident, healthy and accomplished, and if you get serious you could end up in better shape too!

•    Make up. You don’t have to wear a ton and cake it on so that even a spatula can’t get it off. I’m not a fan of make up at all-neither is my husband, but I do believe a little make up can enhance features without making them look unnatural. 

Use a little tinted moisturiser, some lip gloss and some mascara. And if that enormous spot on your chin makes you want to hide from public, dab on some concealer.

•    Undies. Wear matching underwear. This might sound hilarious but I can bet most of you grab whatever bra you can find and decent panties you can find before nipping out to the grocery store or even work. 

Wearing a pretty pair of matching underwear-even if you know no one will see them, can boost your confidence. Also, avoid the granny panties. I’m not saying you need to wear uncomfortable, lacy g-strings, but seriously-granny panties won’t make you feel sexy.

•    Clothes. You can still be comfortable without having to lull about on weekends in you pyjama pants and an oversized t-shirt. On the other end of the spectrum, you don’t have to wear designer dresses and jeans with heels to be confident either. 

Even if you aren’t going anywhere, get up, have a shower, and get dressed, even if it’s a pair of jeans, a (normal sized) t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers.

•    Hair and nails. Nobody feels sexy with dull, greasy hair, coupled with 10 centimetres of regrowth. If you have to be somewhere early tomorrow, do your hair the night before. None of it has to be expensive. 

You can buy henna to vanish the regrowth and it costs five bucks! As for nails, keep them looking good. You don’t have to get them done by a professional, or have talons covered in bling. Simply keep them short, neat and clean. 

And if you wear nail polish, don’t wait until there are only remnants of the stuff on your nails. That may have been cool when you were 19, but remove it completely or repaint.

None of these things take huge effort or cash. These are all simple things that we can do every day to boost our self confidence as women, and make us feel sexier and less frumpy. Do you have any other tips to get your mojo back?

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