Scientists Just Developed Drug That Would Make You Live For 120 Years

Have you ever dreamed of living forever or at least enjoy living on Earth as long as possible? Now, scientists from Russia give hope to those who are not ready to say goodbye to their wonderful lives.
Russian scientists are testing a new formula that will allow people to postpone old age. A pill that delays the aging process could possibly become a reality. The tablet has been already tested on rats, mice, fish and dogs.
Researchers hope that in near future it will prolong people’s lives to at least 120 years. They are using a ‘new type of antioxidant’, which they hope will impact on on the mitochondria, the energy-producing part of cells, which is seen as triggering aging.
Researcher Dr Maxim Skulachev, from the Moscow State University project, said, “I don’t believe we will be able to live to 800. Most probably, some new disease will emerge, let’s say, a typical disease for a 120-year-old. That was the case with cancer, which was a rare disease when ancient people died much younger.” 
The tests on animals showed quite encouraging results as a lot of aging diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s developed much slower. And although the tests have not led to a significant life span increase, but delayed the onset of aging, the scientist believe that they are moving in a right direction.

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