See Why This Afrikaans Singer Said You Can’t Be A Christian And A Racist

Afrikaans singer Bouwer Bosch is quickly starting his own online revolution with a legion like-minded young South Africans supporting his quest to make love not war.

Bosch, lead singer of Afrikaans band Straatligkinders and now a solo artist, is using YouTube to make his thoughts heard.

In contrast with recent shocking statements made by Afrikaans singer Steve Hofmeyr, Bosch strives to put a fresh and different view out into society.

(Bouwer Bosch. Instagram)

In his latest video titled Colour blind, the young singer refers to racism and Christianity and how the two can’t go hand-in-hand.

He says: "I know that peace and love don’t have a colour. I sometimes wish I was colour blind. We’re pretending like Jesus was a Voortrekker.

"My heart aches because we’re missing the point. My heart aches because I think you’re blind. You can’t be a Christian and a racist. Jesus didn’t die for the colour of your skin.

"Freedom of speech changed into freedom of hate speech. I can’t sing so I talk. You don’t want to see, so you hate. My heart aches because we’re missing the point. My heart aches because I think you’re blind."

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