This Teddy Bear Isn't As Innocent As It Looks

Teddy Love is a teddy bear with a difference. This teddy is created for an entirely different type of cuddling.

This black silk, bowtie-wearing adult bear (this made me think of Ted) has vibrating mechanisms in its tongue and nose to stimulate your ladybits.

It’s creators describe the bear toy as “discreet, unique and cuddly”.

I don’t want to be sex negative or anything but I find this teddy creepy as all hell. 

Combining childhood toys with cunnilingus is just not the type of thing that blows my skirt up. Also, am I the only one detecting a faint whiff of bestiality? 


But what do you think? The company is crowdsourcing funds to make their Teddy Love dream come true. Will you be contributing or will you let this one pass us by?

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