Azealia Banks Is Now The Owner Of Rap Singer Eminem

Look, it's not a secret that Azealia Banks is kind of the worst, but you know who's even worse than the worst? Eminem, with his terrible new verse about punching Lana Del Rey in the face "like Ray Rice." 

While Azealia can be annoying and abrasive and a million other bad things, she hasn't come close to Eminem's level. And that's why it's so strange and so oddly delightful that she hopped on Twitter to put Eminem straight the hell down:

All right, so there's nothing wrong with living in a trailer park or eating Hot Pockets, but still this is a pretty fine burn Azealia gave. Eminem felt the need to be so very hateful, for absolutely no reason, to Lana Del Rey, and Azealia came to the defense of her friend. So right now, at this exact moment in time, Azealia is OK. And, as always, Eminem is just plain terrible.

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