Men Are More Stupid Than Women – New Research Study

Men are officialy more stupid then women, according to a 20 year study of the Darwin Awards.
The research was published in the British Medical Journal in an article called Darwin Awards: sex differences in idiotic behaviour. 
A two decade examination of the Darwin Awards – an annual review of cases where people died in exceptionally stupid ways – has found that males make up 90 per cent of the ‘winners’.
The research conducted by Newcastle University suggested ‘male idiot theory’, MIT, that is to blame for such high level of ‘stupid’ male deaths. It implies that ‘men are idiots, and idiots do stupid things’.
In the 332 cases analysed since 1995, 282 involved men dying easily avoidable deaths, whereas only 36 women died in doing stupid things (14 cases involved both men and women and were therefore discounted).
However, the researchers say that men are willing to take such unnecessary risks in pursuit of male social esteem or solely in exchange for ‘bragging rights’ (the rights granted to a person that allow him to boast to a certain extent without dispraise from others.)
Some Darwin Winners:
  • The terrorist who unthinkingly opened his own letter bomb on its return after he posted it with insufficient stamps.
  • The construction worker who was demolishing a car park by tearing down its supports as workers watched from their office window, taking bets on what his plan was to remove the final support over a number of days. He didn’t have one – and was crushed by the concrete platform.
  • The thief attempting to purloin a steel cable from a lift shaft – and unbolted it while standing in the lift which then plummeted to the ground, killing him.
  • The man who stole a ride home by hitching a shopping trolley to the back of a train, only to be dragged two miles to his death before it was able to stop.

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