Why Kim Kardashian Forcefully Wears Baby Bra For North West

"See I do smile ... even laugh on occasion. Not too often though because it causes wrinkles @shammaurice." 

--Kim Kardashian on, you know, a normal human function like smiling, and why she tries to avoid it as much as possible. 

Now, I dunno about you, but that's a pretty pathetic -- and inaccurate -- thing to say, coming from Kim Kardashian. Or really, anyone with an iota of sense (which one might assume would exclude Kim in this case). 

One, because smiling, hello: you're gonna avoid smiling because you're afraid of how it's going to affect your face? Newsflash, girlie -- smiling would do that super-taut face of yours wonders. 

Two, even if Kim ever were to grow a wrinkle by some random bit of happenstance ... it's not as if she wouldn't zap it with her "magic powers" faster than you can say "OMG AND WTF IS THAT A BABY BRA STRAP ON NORTH WEST'S ARM IN THAT PICTURE?!" 

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