Five Reasons Rihanna Is Crushing Hard On Football Player Kevin Prince Boateng Of Ghana

We totally get why the Bajan superstar is crushing hard on this SCW 2014 cutie.

Not only does she wear transparent dresses, Rihanna is also transparent about her personal life including the men she thinks can get it.

She recently shared her latest crush with us on Twitter. Most of us were introduced to Kevin Prince Boateng at the 2010 FIFA World Cup when he wore the Ghanian national colours. But Riri only got her first glimpse after seeing him in the USA’s latest match against Ghana. 
We have a feeling The Good Girl Gone Bad is going to kick team USA to the curb to support Ghana soon.

If you, like Rihanna, think Kevin is just all levels of hotness then you'll definitely want to read the 5 fun facts we've compiled on the Ghanian football player.
These are the reasons:

  • He has over 13 tattoos
    Like other football players, Kevin has a mild obsession with tattoos. Kevin is tattooed from his neck all the way to his legs.

  • He has a big heart
    He loves spending time with less fortunate children especially during Christmas when he visits childrens' hospitals carrying loads of goodie bags.

  • He's antiracism
    In 2013 KPB was named as the United Nations ambassador for anti-racism. He took this picture as a way of showing his stand against the racist attacks experienced by Brazillian soccer player Dani Alves who had bananas thrown at him during a soccer match played in Spain. Dani responded by eating the bananas.

  • He's a practising Muslim
    KPB is a devout Islamist. He attributes most of his success to his religious beliefs.

  • He is madly in love with his fiance
    The once married soccer star is now engaged to Italian model and TV personality Melissa Stata. The couple is also expecting a baby. 

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