There Are Just Some Things We DON’T Want For Christmas

I’m not a big fan of Christmas. The full shops, crying children being dragged around by their parents, having to figure out what the hell to buy for your brother-in-law, etc. I just find it all rather annoying and silly. But it is a great time to be with family, and that’s what’s important after all.
But getting gifts for said family can be a bit of a pain. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve given  up on looking for a present for someone and gone into the nearest store and picked them up a gift card. Seriously, I hate shopping in general, but shopping at Christmas... it’s the stuff of nightmares I tell you.
So I can understand when I get rather, uh, odd gifts, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going “WTF?” inside my head.
Because we’ve all been victims of the Bad Gift. And they almost always come from that aunt you haven’t seen in ages or that crafty office mate who like to force their creations on unsuspecting colleagues. recently did a study on the most unwanted gifts for Christmas this year and these were the results:
•         “Cheap and nasty” toiletries are the most hated gifts. Ugly décor items, IOU’s, inappropriate clothing and socks were also on the unwanted list.
•         Most South Africans disliked the gifts they received from their loved ones because these were “not to their taste”.
•         Most denied that they personally gave bad gifts, however those who admitted to having bought bad gifts in the past, said it was because the gift suited their budgets.
I’ve been on the receiving end of many a toiletry gift hamper and they’re usually lavender scented (which I hate).

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